The content published on the website is for self-promotion, B2B and B2C purpose. It is exclusively for the potential customers, clients, employees and Tea and Conversations. The company forbids download, distribution or copying of the content in any form without taking a written consent.
Tea and Conversations is not claiming or promising anything with respect to the accuracy or completeness of any text, audio, visual, programming codes, design or any other data used on this website. It disclaims liability of all the possible errors, additions and omissions in the content of the website, including that of the third party. Only the warranties of title, merchantability and freedom from computer virus are given with regards to the content of this website.
We gather no personal, professional or any kind of information about you, unless you choose to provide such information to us. Any of your information provided to us in a feedback form, comment or via email will not be shared with any outside party/organisation. However, we might use your information to improve the quality of our services or respond to your queries.
You agree to indemnify Tea and Conversations, its subsidiaries and affiliates from any claims, judgement or any loss relating to your use of this website. This also includes that you agree to hold the company harmless of any action, which it might take in case of violation of the terms and conditions by you. Tea and Conversations reserves all the rights to modify, add or subtract any part of these terms of service and privacy policy completely or in parts at any time.
As this website is owned and managed by Tea and Conversations located in India, you agree that the matters concerning to the use of this website shall be governed under the cyber laws of India. In case you access our website from any other part of the world outside India, you shall be responsible for the compliance with the laws of that land.